2025 Summer Courses
: 2024-06-29 to 2024-08-17
: Saturday 7:00-8:40PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 425-313-717
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08630 VEX V5 Robotics Sensors Programming Using VScode C++
Instructor: Lynn Wang
In 8 sessions from 6/28 to 8/17, students will learn C++ and practice VEX VS Code Extension C++ Programming for VEX Robotics.
We will try to cover the following topics in this course:
It will be great if you have a simple robot (or even a speedbot) and those sensors installed to verify your code.
(1) Intro to Github, VS Code, and VRC PROS and OKAPI Package
(2) Inertial sensor and drive PID
(3) Distance sensor and Ultrasonic Range finder
(4) GPS setup and programming
(5) Optical Sensor and Vision Sensor
(6) Rotation Sensor and intro to Odometry
(7) Odometry Part 2
(8) Odometry Part 3 and Final Q/A
: 2024-07-07 to 2024-08-18
: Sunday 3:30-5:30PM PDT
: $475/Term
: New
: Location: 425-313-717
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08510 VEX VRC Robotics 机械搭建基础 (Grade 7-10)
7 session to go through VRC Robotics 机械搭建基础 for new VRC team members
This course will build first robot for 2024-25 VRC High Stakes
The course plan:
7/7: Design Fundaments and VEX Parts
7/8: Engineering Notebook and Drivetrain
7/21: Intake
7/28: Lifts, Arms, Joints, Locks
8/4: Pneumatics
8/11: Slides and Hangers
8/18: TBD
: 2024-06-17 to 2024-08-12
: Monday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: Continue
: Location: 955-941-997
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09622 Competitive Programming for USACO using C++ Course 2
Instructor: Colby Brown
Nine 90-minutes sessions work on Competitive Programming CP4 Book 1 using Java. CP4 Book 1 suitable for High School Students who are competing in the annual USACO, International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) (including the National or Provincial Olympiads) as the it covers most of the current IOI Syllabus.
USA Computing Olympiad website: USACO http://www.usaco.org/index.php Preparing Resources http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=resources
在USACO.org注册账户后, 学生自动进入Bronze division 竞赛 参加12/13-16 第一轮的比赛, 然后凭成绩晋级。 Access training materials 需要再在http://train.usaco.org 注册一个 账号, 然后就可以看到上面这些内容。 这个竞赛是个人赛,凭个人能力晋级Silver,Gold
Colby has extensive experiences on Competitive Programming. He competed in a variety of academic competitions, including Texas UIL computer science and physics and ACM collegiate programming competitions, where he regularly placed.
: 2024-06-19 to 2024-08-14
: Wednesday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 955-941-997
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09621 Competitive Programming for USACO using C++ Course 1
Instructor: Colby Brown
Nine 90-minutes sessions work on Competitive Programming CP4 Book 1 using Java. CP4 Book 1 suitable for High School Students who are competing in the annual USACO, International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) (including the National or Provincial Olympiads) as the it covers most of the current IOI Syllabus.
USA Computing Olympiad website: USACO http://www.usaco.org/index.php Preparing Resources http://www.usaco.org/index.php?page=resources
在USACO.org注册账户后, 学生自动进入Bronze division 竞赛 参加12/13-16 第一轮的比赛, 然后凭成绩晋级。 Access training materials 需要再在http://train.usaco.org 注册一个 账号, 然后就可以看到上面这些内容。 这个竞赛是个人赛,凭个人能力晋级Silver,Gold
Colby has extensive experiences on Competitive Programming. He competed in a variety of academic competitions, including Texas UIL computer science and physics and ACM collegiate programming competitions, where he regularly placed.
: 2024-06-20 to 2024-08-15
: Thursday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 547-070-789
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09201 High School Physics Course 1: Mechanics 力学 (New)
Instructor: Tyler Dille
Textbook: https://openstax.org/details/books/college-physics-ap-courses-2e
College Physics for AP® Courses 2e is designed to engage students in their exploration of physics and help them apply these concepts to the Advanced Placement® test. Because physics is integral to modern technology and other sciences, the book also includes content that goes beyond the scope of the AP® course to further student understanding. The AP® Connection in each chapter directs students to the material they should focus on for the AP® exam, and what content — although interesting — is not necessarily part of the AP® curriculum. This book is Learning List-approved for AP® Physics courses and meets the scope and sequence for these courses.
The course will cover Chapter 1 to Chapter 10
Chapter 1 Introduction: The Nature of Science and Physics
Chapter 2 Kinematics
Chapter 3 Two-Dimensional Kinematics
Chapter 4 Dynamics: Force and Newton's Laws of Motion
Chapter 5 Further Applications of Newton's Laws: Friction, Drag, and Elasticity
Chapter 6 Uniform Circular Motion and Gravitation
Chapter 7 Work, Energy, and Energy Resources
Chapter 8 Linear Momentum and Collisions
Chapter 9 Statics and Torque
Chapter 10 Rotational Motion and Angular Momentum
: 2024-06-21 to 2024-08-16
: Friday 8:00-9:00PM PDT
: $280/Term
: New
: Location: 547-070-789
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10211 Physics Bowl Competition 高中物理思维挑战赛竞赛准备
Instructor: Tyler Dille
American Assiciation of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Physics Bowl: https://www.aapt.org/programs/physicsbowl/
The 2025 Physics Bowl Competition will be likely given between Spring break March 23 and March 29, 2025. Exam questions are based on topics and concepts covered in a typical high school physics course.
Tyler will go through some difficult topics from the testbook below, and use Previous Exams (https://www.aapt.org/Programs/PhysicsBowl/printexams.cfm) to prepare students for Physics Bowl 2025.
: 2024-06-22 to 2024-08-17
: Saturday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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: 2024-06-23 to 2024-08-18
: Sunday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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12050 College Application Essay 大学申请文书
Instructor: Dr. Katharine Sprecher
In this 9-session course, Dr. Sprecher will teach students how to present themselves and write excellent college application essays
Reference book:
: 2024-06-23 to 2024-08-18
: Sunday 5:30-6:30PM PDT
: $280/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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: 2024-06-18 to 2024-08-13
: Tuesday 5:45-6:45PM PDT
: $280/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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08070 Literary Analysis and Reflective Writing 文学阅读与分析写作 Grade 7-8 (New books)
Instructor: Dr. Katharine Sprecher
In 9 lessons, Katharine will lead students to read several books, analyze, and write reflective essays.
Dr. Sprecher weaves in lessons on literary elements (plot, characters, setting, etc.) and literary devices such as figurative language, atmosphere, symbolism, and theme, while engaging students in developmentally appropriate, critical analyses that connect stories to real world events.
Dr. Sprecher selected the following books for this term.
(1) Alebrijes by Donna Barba Higuera
(2) Weedflower by Cynthia Kadahota
Reflective Writing builds on analysis by considering the learning you’ve gained from practical experience. The purpose of the reflection is to help you to make improvements for the future and, as such, it is a more ‘personal’ form of academic writing often using the first person. Evidence still has a key role in reflective writing; it’s not just about retelling your story and how you felt. And evidence in the case of reflection will include your own personal experience which adds to the discussion. Reflective writing focuses on future improvements and answers questions like ‘what next?’
: 2024-06-18 to 2024-08-13
: Tuesday 7:00-8:00PM PDT
: $280/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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08910 PreACT 8/9 Test Prep (8年级PreACT考试准备课)
Instructor: Dr. Katharine Sprecher
In the first week of November BSD will give all 8th graders a College Readiness Test (Pre-ACT 8/9)
The average score normally are very low for the entite school district https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1701463433/beavertonk12orus/qaunaxlp2azxkiqaic2q/QRG_G8_2324.pdf
Pre-ACT contains 4 sublests: Englisg, Reading, Math, Science. For the Full Score of 30, if students are not prepared, they are hardly able to reach above 25.
Teachers will materials for each lesson.
All those 9 sessions are English and Reading. WE will plan to review Math and Science as needed in August.
: 2024-06-17 to 2024-08-12
: Monday 5:30-6:30PM PDT
: $280/Term
: New
: Location: 891-455-837
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06070 Literary Analysis and Reflective Writing 文学阅读与分析写作 Grade 5-6 (New Books)
Instructor: Dr. Katharine Sprecher
In 9 lessons, Katharine will lead students to read several books, analyze, and write reflective essays.
Dr. Sprecher weaves in lessons on literary elements (plot, characters, setting, etc.) and literary devices such as figurative language, atmosphere, symbolism, and theme, while engaging students in developmentally appropriate, critical analyses that connect stories to real world events
She selected the following books, and will lead students to read, analyze, and write analytical essays
(1) Lupe Wong Won't Dance by Donna Barba Higuera
(2) Solimar by Pam Munoz Ryan
(3) Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson
Reflective Writing builds on analysis by considering the learning you’ve gained from practical experience. The purpose of the reflection is to help you to make improvements for the future and, as such, it is a more ‘personal’ form of academic writing often using the first person. Evidence still has a key role in reflective writing; it’s not just about retelling your story and how you felt. And evidence in the case of reflection will include your own personal experience which adds to the discussion. Reflective writing focuses on future improvements and answers questions like ‘what next?’
: 2024-06-17 to 2024-08-18
: $495/Term
: New
: Location: TBD
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05150 Elementary School 1-on-1 tutoring 小学科目一对一辅导
Instructors: TBD
9 sessions for the Summer Term
Tutoring Subjects
English Vocabulary and Reading
English Grammar and Writing
Singapore Dimensions Math Grade 2A to 5A
Numbers to Algebra
Pre-Algebra (for Placement test)
ITBS Test Prep
CogAT Test Prep
SSAT/ISEE Test Prep (for Private Middle School Application)
: 2024-06-17 to 2024-08-18
: $540/Term
: New
: Location: TBD
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08150 Middle School Subjects 1-on-1 tutoring 中学科目一对一辅导
Instructor: TBD
9 sessions Tutoring Subjects:
English Vocabulary, Reading, Grammar, Writing
Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, AGS 1, 2, 3
AOPS Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, AMC8
SSAT/ISEE Test Prep (for Private High School Application)
: 2024-06-17 to 2024-08-18
: $540/Term
: New
: Location: TBD
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12150 High School Subjects 1-on-1 tutoring 高中或AP科目一对一辅导
Instructors: TBD
9 sessions in Summer Term
Tutoring Subjects:
High School English Vocabulary, Reading, Grammar, Writing
AP or IB Level English, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Standardized Test Prep: PSAT11, SAT, ACT
College Application Essay
: 2024-06-18 to 2024-08-13
: Tuesday 7:00-8:30PM PDT
: $395/Term
: New
: Location: 224-617-493
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07630 Intro to Visual Studio Code and C++ Programming
Instructor: Jing Liu
This 9 session course will teach students to install https://code.visualstudio.com/ programming environment and use it to write C++ functions.
This course is pre-requisit for either USACO competition programming training or VEX Robotics VEXcode Extension C++ programming for VRC competition.
: 2024-06-18 to 2024-08-13
: Tuesday 5:30-6:30PM PDT
: $280/Term
: Continue
: Location: 224-617-493
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05603 Python Programming Projects 编程 (Grade 5 Continue)
Instructor: Jing Liu
Kids can learn to code with the power of Python! Python Programming for Beginners is the perfect way to introduce aspiring coders to this simple and powerful coding language. This book teaches kids all about Python and programming fundamentals—and is packed full of fun and creative activities that make learning a blast!
In Python Programming for Beginners, kids will start off with the basics, learning all about fundamental coding concepts and how they can put these concepts together in Python to build their own games and programs. Each chapter focuses on a different coding concept—like variables, data types, and loops—and features three awesome coding activities to try. These activities get more difficult as they go, so young coders can see just how much their skills are growing. By the end of Python Programming for Beginners, they'll create their own fully functional sci-fi game and crack the code to a secret message!
Python Programming for Beginners features:
- No coding experience needed!—Designed just for kids, this Python programming book is filled with step-by-step directions, simple explanations, and detailed code breakdowns.
- Build a coding toolbox—Kids will build their programming skills, learn how to troubleshoot bugs with a handy bug-hunting guide, and practice their Python programming knowledge with cool activities.
- Why Python programming?—Python is an awesome starting language for kids! It's a powerful programming language that can be used for lots of projects but features simple syntax so beginners can focus on learning programming logic.